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Friday, September 23, 2011


Let go of this longing for the constant Harvest
and know that you 'are' the gift
that brims over
like a waterfall.

The fall that is fed by the Maha Shanti River,
and spills over as separate drops
that are the Same Pearl.

Falling slowly...
while always returning,
returning.... to the...

Monday, September 19, 2011

Staring at the Sun-

Gazing at the Star that burns complete.
Shadow and trace are merely not there, as
the Light becomes.
All Light.
The journey was over before I was born,
but forgotten in each thought's dream
that was filling and unfilling the same vessel.
A cocoon bouyed by the Ocean and released to
the Sky as Wind...
with wings
that have
Always flown
nothing but scattered

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Look through the spectrum of God and No God
and find
we are All named
the Same.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Coming to LIfe

See the World as memory
and you begin
to 'hear' her breath,
rising and falling,
unfolding ,
moment into moment.


All this effort...
preserving footprints that are
washed over from the beginning.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Our Breath 'IS'...Never,Was,Here

Our breath is... wind flowing across the Ocean.
Our breath is... a storm of Destruction.
Our breath is... whispered Thought.
Our breath is... first breath,... our breath is last breath.
Our breath is... the World breathing.
Our breath is... the Moment of Surrender.
Our breath is... hello and goodbye.
Our breath is... ALL.
Our breath is... Nothing.
Our breath is... waiting to Arrive.
Our breath Is....
Our breath Never...
Our breath Was....

Thursday, September 1, 2011


guru is Here-
in the Sky that holds
the Ocean.
Here in the Path that
offers Nothing, yet holds Everything.
guru is the morning held by the night...
the lightening Thunderbolt... flashing in the DarkSKY.
guru is Here.